Creative expression can have a significant impact on the healing process for all people, and can help to transform trauma, addictions, and energetic stagnations.

Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy integrates creative modalities including visual art, tactile art, dance/movement, sound/ music, creative writing and drama within a therapeutic relationship to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

The creative therapist develops a therapeutic relationship with their clients with clear boundaries, treatment plans and outcomes to assist them in the healing process. It differs from traditional art-making or performance in that the emphasis is on therapeutic, child-like art creation. The processes of creating and of meaning-making helps to connects into the heart and emotional body. Arts therapists can work effectively with individuals and groups.

Please contact us if you have completed the HICAT Practitioner Training Course.

Teaching assistants

Part time position.
6 Hours, one day a week.
Contract $20 an hour, $180 per class.

Students on the Course now and keen to pass on this course to others in your area.  You will need to be signed up on the Course and started online or have prior experience. Teaching in this area and keen to complete the course.  You should be a few modules ahead of the class, as well so you can support the current students with their activities. This role pays $20 an hour contract and will basically cover the cost of your course.


Part time position.
6 Hours, one day a week.
Contract $50 an hour, $300 per class.

Involved already in your communities in a teaching role or a small health provider business.  Have completed this course or another ARTS Therapy Degree.  You have a good understanding of how this works and have practised with your own clients one on one or in a group setting. You are a Teacher or have experience in Teaching in a classroom and have relevant qualifications. You understand the science behind Frequency and Vibrational healing techniques.

Currently you are setting up or in your own business and wanting to add more skill and gain further clients.  You will be supported strongly by myself;  I will be assisting in the marketing and advertising of classes with your input; to start your class and then we can work out a regular monthly catch up on a face to face basis.  We will work together on marketing plans for your area.